Page 20 - Pulse @ UM 2018
P. 20


        RESEARCH WEEK 2017:


                                                                                 The  Faculty of Medicine’s
                                                                             annual research week for 2017
                                                                             was conducted from10th to 14th
                                                                             July. The theme of the week was
                                                                             “Paediatrics and Child Health”,
                                                                             and was organized by the
                                                                             Department  of  Paediatrics,
                                                                             Faculty of Medicine.
                                                                             Faculty of Medicine.
                                                                                With the aim of highlighting
                                                                             relevant research in the field of
                                                                             paediatrics and child health,
                                                                             events  included  were  the
                                                                             celebration  of  the  30th
                                                                             anniversary of Bone Marrow
                                                                             Transplantation  in  Malaysia,
                                                                             UM-Baylor-CUHK  course  in
                                                                             Genetic & Metabolism, neurology
                                                                             workshop on Childhood Epilepsy,
                                                                             Paediatric Diabetic Seminar, and
                                                                             an Imaging Competition.

          Professor Dr Hany shared            Professor Dr Lin Jai Ling          Professor Dr Carlos Bacino
          news of the success of the          from Sime Darby Medical            from Baylor College of
          Haplo-identical donor               Centre delivered the plenary       Medicine discussed genomic
          transplant in University            lecture during the 30th            medicine in the 21st century
          Malaya Medical Centre               anniversary of Bone Marrow
                                              Transplant in Malaysia


                        Pulse @ UM : A research bulletin from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
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