Page 40 - The Five Forces of Everything
P. 40

OBSERVATIONS                                                                        Meanwhile in China, surveys show that nearly half of all Millennials admit
                                                                                           to  spending  money  to  offset  loneliness,  and  that  life  in  big  cities  can
       It’s been said that the ultimate consumer insight is that                           be  very lonely  indeed.  While  there  are  no clear  estimates  of the  size
       people are lonely. Social commentators report on cities                             of  China’s ‘loneliness  economy’, many  businesses,  from  restaurants  to
       full of  ‘sociable  loners’, where  individuals  feel  increasingly                 entertainment equipment makers, are trying to profit from this reality.
       disconnected and lack meaningful connections with others.
                                                                                           Carefree Single Living
       The result is siloed living. A population increasingly squashed together in         There  is  a  worldwide  delay  to  marriage  as  people  prioritize  careers,
       shared and disparate households through economic necessity, or in single            life experiences and save for property. Conversely, divorce rates are
       person households, both surrendering face time for screen time.                     accelerating – now at a global high of 44% (26% in 1980).

       It’s no wonder that people are reporting feelings of loneliness.                    These factors mean that single-person households are growing faster in
                                                                                           numbers than every other household type - globally.
       In  the  U.S.,  a national  survey in 2018  by the  global health  service
       company Cigna observed that nearly half of the 20,000 adults surveyed
       reported  sometimes  or  always  feeling  alone  (46%)  or  left  out  (47%).       “The rise in technology, cheap travel and general entertainment
       Generation  Z and  Millennials  rated  themselves  highest  on feelings             means  that  today’s  generations  have  more  choice  in  how  they
       associated with loneliness. Figures for the U.K., where the government              spend their free time than their parents ever did. There are fewer
       has appointed a Minister for Loneliness, are not dissimilar.                        incentives  to  get  tied  down  by  family  responsibilities,  with  a
                                                                                           singleton lifestyle offering more carefree fun.”
                                                                                           *Observed by Euromonitor

                                                                                           A Role for Brands
                                                                                           We believe that brands have an opportunity to promote connections between
                                                                                           increasingly isolated souls – helping individuals to feel part of something.

                                                                                           Office services group, WeWork, which was recently valued at $47bn, has
                                                                                           made ‘facilitating connection’ an explicit part of its mission statement.
                                                                                           Its founder recently told The New York Times that the company isn’t just
                                                                                           “building a work space”. Instead, it’s ‘building a new infrastructure to
                                                                                           rebuild social fabric and rebuild up the potential for human connection.’

                                                                                           The human species is a social species.
                                                                                           So, any research into how your brand could
                                                                                           help people feel part of something bigger is
                                                                                           worth looking into.

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       FORCE #3                                                                                                                          OBSERVATIONS | IMPLICATIONS | ILLUSTRATIONS
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