Page 43 - The Five Forces of Everything
P. 43


       Spark Connections                    Waste Not
 Express Yourself  People  have  a deeply  set  desire   In the U.K., Kingsmill has

 For those with more followers than friends, brands have opportunities   to connect. How can your  brand   launched several smaller loaves
 to help people make a clear statement about who they are, and attract   facilitate  these  connections?  to avoid stale bread going to
 other like-minded individuals.  Who  can  forget  Coca-Cola’s  landfi ll. With rising numbers of
       attempts  to promote meaningful      single households, how can you
       moments between friends?             downsize?
 Celebrate Single

 In  China,  November 11 th  Different Tribes
 is Singles Day, with  young
 people  celebrating  their   Shock! Single people are not all
 relationship-free status by   the  same. Younger singles want
 shopping,  big time!  This   to  delay  adulthood  and  place
 consumer  event  is four   value  on fun. People in their
 times bigger than the two   mid-thirties  want  to show that
 biggest  shopping days in   they  are progressing  in life.
 the  U.S.  Are you  playing   At what stage is your brand best
 your part?  placed to help - and how?

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