Page 12 - Employee Handbook - South Africa
P. 12
MMR acquired creative video & visual design
agency Ideal Insight in July 2018.
As well as providing a springboard for
the next phase of Ideal insights
development, the acquisition reflects
MMR’s global strategy of delivering more
compelling customer and commercial
stories to its research clients.
Since its foundation in 2012 Ideal Insight
has grown rapidly, nearly doubling in size
over the past 12 months, whilst
developing an outstanding reputation for
producing highly effective, cost-efficient
content for brands big and small. The
acquisition by MMR provides greater
business infrastructure, a global office
network, and a chance to further invest Ideal Insight have disrupted the
in a talented team of in-house designers, traditional creative agency model,
videographers, photographers and adopting an agile structure that strips
animators. Ideal Insight will continue to back much of the excess resource and
focus on growing clients across many process that consumes budget, whilst
sectors, including education, healthcare adding little commercial value. They
and retail, but will supplement this with make creative content that allows
the development of a storytelling toolkit companies of all sizes to tell product
in the research arena.
stories in a way that directly grows
consumer connection and sales.