Page 9 - Employee Handbook - South Africa
P. 9


                                                             SENSORY BRAND, PACK AND

                                                                         PRODUCT PARTNERS

         MMR Research Worldwide is a full                  We combine innovative methods,
         service market research agency that               creative thinking, sensory expertize and
         offers a complete innovation and                  a deep understanding of shopper and
         optimization solution.                            consumer decision-making.

         We recommend an holistic approach,                We are research partners to food,
         encouraging our clients to consider the           beverage, personal and household care
         total brand experience covering all parts         manufacturers and retailers worldwide.
         of the marketing mix and all stages of
         the innovation cycle. This enables us to          We blend robust scientific approaches
         go beyond the obvious, helping clients            with creativity to deliver a complete
         to create products, brands and                    innovation and optimization solution
         packaging that aren’t just liked,                 that can be tailored to client needs –
         but are loved.
                                                           whether a local or global player.

          T: @mmr_research
          I: @mmrresearch
          L: MMR Research Worldwide

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