Page 40 - Employee Handbook - South Africa
P. 40


     & ISO                                             MMR’S QUALITY

     Mathematical Market Research Ltd is               OBJECTIVES
     committed to providing quality research
     which consistently meets, or exceeds client       All staff
     expectations and requirements.  We                •     To be aware of the QMS procedure
     believe that service quality is fundamental             requirements relevant to own work for the
     to the continued growth and development                 company.
     of our company in an increasingly                 •     To contribute to providing the highest
     competitive market place.                               quality of service to clients in the
                                                             undertaking of all work activities
     In order to ensure that all work is               Research Team
     conducted in a way which provides the             •     To provide the highest quality of service to
     highest quality of service to clients, the              clients in all aspects of research design and
     Company has put into effect the Quality                 (debrief) delivery. Specifically:
     system.  This complies with the                           •   provision of appropriate proposals/
     requirements of ISO 20252:2012 and ISO                        research design to address client’s
     9001:2015.  The Quality Manual defines this                   needs
     system and the Procedure Manual describes                 •   project management and execution
     the work procedures involved.                             •   results and debrief delivery
                                                               •   general client account management
     It is mandatory that all Mathematical             •     To deliver research which consistently meets
     Market Research Ltd staff:                              or exceeds client expectations
             - Are completely familiar with and
                understand all procedures of the       Data Sciences
                Quality System relevant to their       •     To provide data tables and data processing
                own work for the company.                    services of the highest quality
                                                       •     To provide statistical analysis and support
             - Follow and comply with all                    services to aid the production of the highest
                requirements of the Quality                  quality of debriefs for clients
                system and procedures.
                                                       Human Resources
             - Are aware of and actively work          •     To ensure all staff have adequate resources
             towards Company quality objectives              and training in order to perform their
             relevant to their department..                  specific job responsibilities and provide the
                                                             highest quality of service to clients
     The implementation of this Quality policy
     and the operation of the Quality system
     shall be regularly reviewed by the
     management of the Company to ensure
     continual improvement

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