Page 38 - Employee Handbook - South Africa
P. 38
This section sets out how the MMR group deals with
personal data relating to its employees and job Where does your personal data come
applicants. from?
Information relating to you comes from a
number of sources. Much of it will be
We process your personal data in accordance with
the data protection law that applies to the UK and provided by you during the recruitment
process and throughout your period of
European Union. We will not process your personal employment with us.
data in any way which you would not expect.
Other personal information (such as
Your personal data may be recorded, kept and references, appraisals and work related
processed electronically and in hard copy form. correspondence) is created or obtained
during the course of your recruitment
What personal data do we collect, hold and use? and/or employment.
We collect, hold and process various categories of
personal data about you. These include:
Who receives your personal data?
- name, home address, date of birth, email Your personal data may be disclosed
address, mobile number, gender, emergency to and processed by HR staff, line
contacts; managers and other MMR employees.
- salary information, bank and tax information, All such persons are required to keep
pensions, national insurance number and other your personal data safe and secure.
benefits information;
- ethnic origins, nationality, immigration status, We may also use various third parties
to process your personal data as part
passport details, visa information; of our employment. These may
- employment details such as date of hire, include outsourced payroll providers,
promotions, job title, work pattern, date and benefits providers, external training
details of resignation/termination, work and providers, medical advisers, IT hosting
educational history and professional and maintenance providers and, on
memberships, CV and language skills; occasion, lawyers. These third parties
- holiday records, training records, performance are carefully selected and under
review records, disciplinary and grievance obligations to keep your personal data
investigations and outcomes; safe and secure. We will only provide
- health details including sick pay, absence these third parties the minimum
information and medical reports and information personal data that they need and
relating to physical and mental health and ensure that they only process it to the
pregnancy; extent necessary to provide their
- voicemails, emails, correspondence and other limited services to us.
work communications created, stored or
transmitted by you using our systems; and
- your photograph or recordings including your
image and/or voice. This notice does not form part of
your employment contract and
MMR reserves the right to amend
it at any time.