Page 33 - Employee Handbook - South Africa
P. 33
The holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 st © MMR Research Worldwide. All rights
December. reserved.
1 Holiday Year: 22 days, pro-rated from your start date
Your annual holiday entitlement depends on
your years of service, from 21 to a maximum of
25 days, after 3 years of continuous service. After three years of service, on the start of your fourth
holiday year: 25 days
Your holiday entitlement is pro-rated on your
first year of employment, based on your start
You may be allowed to carry up to 5 days over
from one holiday year to another, subject to CARRY
your line manager’s approval.
Any days carried over will need to be taken by
March 31 - any unused days will expire 1 April. OVER
In order to encourage work-life balance, FINISH FRIDAY
we implemented a Rest Scheme.
Core working hours for full time
• Subject to your line manager’s employees are 9.00am to 6.00pm, with
approval, you are able to come in late one hour for lunch.
or leave early when appropriate to
compensate a period of ‘excessive’ Employees are given the option to finish
hours worked. at 4pm on Fridays, provided that
employees take a reduced lunch break
• Subject to Line Manager’s approval, throughout the week and manage their
employees can take time off in lieu for workload efficiently.
attending fieldwork at the weekend, to
be taken within a week This of course may only be taken
providing client commitments are not
In order to reward our employees’ continued SABBATICAL
service, MMR offers eligible long-term employees
the ability to take a 2-month sabbatical which allows
time to focus on things outside of work for example
the opportunity to travel, spend time with family, or LEAVE
to be involved in voluntary work. Full details are
outlined in the Sabbatical Leave policy on Octopus.