Page 8 - Employee Handbook - China
P. 8



                                           Steve has over 20 years'
         David is Founder and              experience in consumer         Teresa is one of our
         Chairman of the MMR               research with a particular     Founding Directors, and
         Group. He is also Visiting        interest in consumer           was heavily involved with
         Professor in the School of
         Chemistry, Food                   choice and data                the development of MMR
         Biosciences and Pharmacy          modelling.                     in China and South East
         at the University of              He specializes in consumer
         Reading (UK) and                  segmentation and product       As such she divides her
         Managing Director of
         Annandale Distillery              optimization by combining      time between continents,
         located in Annan,                 consumer preferences           and often brings the best
                                                                          bits home - from delicious
                                           with expert sensory panel
                                           data, and really enjoys        recipes to colourful
                                           working with clients to        artworks.
         David has been involved in
         sensory and consumer              understand the patterns
         science for over 40 years         that emerge.                   Outside of MMR she loves a
                                                                          good renovation project,
         and is a regular speaker at       As if this weren't             and has a number of them
         international conferences.
                                           challenging enough, he         on the go at any one time!
                                           can often be found
         Current interests include
         the nature of human               clinging to the nearest
                                           mountain, although more
         conceptualization and             traditional pastimes
         how this influences               include theatre visits and
         reward and hence choice.
                                           a bit of music.

        David Thomson                     Steve Green                    Teresa Church
        Chairman                          Director, MMR Group USA        Non-executive Director

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