Page 18 - MMR Premium - The Guide
P. 18

n most categories,

      Ilike black tea, we

         found the number of

         Discerning consumers

         to be nearly as great

         as Traditional

         consumers                                                 Figure 1: Black Tea reflects   These criteria stay broadly true
                                                                                               across age cohorts and even
                                                                   a pattern uncovered in all 12
                                                                   categories explored in this study;    attitudes to health, diet and
                                                                   There are essentially two types of   lifestyle.
                                                                   Premium criteria in play. A more
                                                                   Traditional criteria emphasises   What’s more, we found the
                                                                   Brand Reputation, Great Taste   number of Discerning consumers
                                                                   and Expertise, with a more    to be nearly as great as
                                                                   Discerning criteria pushing    Traditional consumers, if not
                                                                   Ingredients Origin, Ethical   greater, in some cases.
                                                                   Standards and Authenticity
                                                                   to the forefront.
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