Page 95 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 95


            Financial Stability

            CORPORATE SERVICES                                  Statutory and Legal Matters
            The strategic priorities that govern this area are mainly:  Responding to legal matters and managing contracts are
            1.   SO1 - To strengthen our business model through   critical elements of this area. Standard contract templates
               diversification of our examinations portfolio, segment   have been developed for the regular activities and these
               profile and geographic markets, and              will be reviewed as necessary. Legal and statutory matters
            2.  SO2 To secure financial stability through sustainable   are mainly handled internally by the relevant personnel, with
               revenue growth; increased efficiency and expense   the department having been bolstered by the addition of
               management                                       a Paralegal during the year. However matters that are more
                                                                technical related to intellectual property, employment issues,
            The key functional areas are as follows:            complex staff matters, corporate matters and privileges and
            Corporate Management                                immunities are managed by external attorneys.
            The implementation of the strategic plan is critical in order
            for the organisation to achieve its strategic goals. This area   Financial Planning and Management
            overseas the effective monitoring and reporting of this plan.   Financial stability has been identified as a critical area as
            Ensuring that the organisation operates within the Agreement   outlined in the strategic plan. One of the keys ways identified to
            Establishing the Council and updating governance documents   do this is through expense management and revenue growth.
            as  necessary  especially  as  processes  change  with  the   Developing new partnerships, obtaining grant funding and
            introduction of more automated systems.             identifying additional consultancies and contracted exams are
                                                                some areas to grow other revenues. Establishing connections
            These are critical given the fact that the Council is in the process   outside of the region and offering products and services in
            of adopting an e-strategy. Previously set to be implemented in   new markets is also a critical strategy. Other possible sources
            2020, this date has now been revised to 2025.       of revenue have been considered, including conferences and
                                                                seminars. Due diligence prospective opportunities will be
            In order for the plan to be effective, the relevant structures also   performed to ensure financial and operational feasibility.
            need to be in place to ensure robust procurement policies,
            a safe environment, and labour stability. The latter has been   Records and Archives Management
            identified as especially important given the relative unrest   The Records Management objectives were aligned to reflect
            experienced during the year. A people centric approach   the Council’s strategic objectives within the area of Business
            has been determined as the basis for prospective industrial   Continuity. Access to electronic information has become
            relations.                                          one of the most important aspects in modern day record
                                                                management initiatives.  More emphasis is being placed on
                                                                access  to  information  than  on  storage  options.  Therefore,
                                                                to  keep  abreast of  the  rapidly  evolving technologies  used
                                                                to access records and information, the Unit’s main objective
                                                                was strategically channeled towards digitizing the records
                                                                retention and retrieval function to ensure that internal users
                                                                had easier electronic access to critical documentation.

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