Page 97 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 97


            Structure of the Council

            Legal Status                                        The Participating Countries are: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda,
            The Council was established in 1972, under Agreement by the   Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands,
            Participating Governments in the English-speaking Caribbean   Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St Kitts and
            to conduct such examinations as it may think appropriate and   Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and
            award certificates  and  diplomas on the  results  of any such   Tobago and Turks and Caicos Islands.
            examinations  so conducted.  The Council  is empowered  to
            regulate the conduct of any such examinations and prescribe   Committees of the Council
            the  qualification  requirements  of  candidates  and  the  fees   The Council has two main committees which help in carrying
            payable by them.                                    out its work in between the annual Council meetings.
                                                                The Administrative and Finance Committee (AFC) meets
            Membership                                          twice  yearly  and  deals  with  administrative,  financial  and
            The Council comprises the following members:        human resource matters. The Sub-Committee of the School
            (a)    The  Vice-Chancellor  of  The  University  of  the  West   Examinations  Committee  (SUBSEC)  also  meets  twice  a  year
                   Indies;                                      and deals with technical and examination issues.

            (b)    The Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana;  The  School  Examinations  Committee  also  meets  once  per
                                                                year, normally the day before Council. The SEC is responsible
            (c)    (i)   Three representatives of The University of the   for the following: preparing regulations relating to the
                       West Indies appointed by the Vice-Chancellor   conduct of examinations, developing syllabuses through sub-
                       of  The  University  of  the  West  Indies,  regard   committees and subject panels, receiving and reviewing the
                       being given to the geographic dispersion of the   reports of examiners, appointing various sub-committees and
                       campuses;                                subject panels, and advising the Council on matters relating to
                   (ii)  One representative of the University of Guyana
                       appointed  by  the  Vice-Chancellor  of  the   In addition, there is the Final Awards Committee (FAC), which
                       University of Guyana;                    meets after each examination sitting. The duties of the FAC
                                                                include: Determines the award of grades (on recommendation
            (d)    (i)   Two representatives appointed by each of   of the Subject Awards Committee), approves the issue of
                       the  Participating Governments  of  Barbados,   certificates, diplomas and associate degrees, and adjudicates
                       Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago and   in cases of irregularity and misconduct by candidates in the
                       one representative appointed by each of the   examinations.
                       other Participating Governments;

                   (ii)  One representative of the teaching profession
                       appointed by each National Committee from
                       among its members.

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