Page 13 - Coconut Woman
P. 13

Coconut Woman

         Consequently,  the  villagers  from  Samantha’s

         community  realised  how  hard  she  had  been
         working over the past six years, so they decided to

         throw  a  big  parade  to  show  her  how  much  they

         appreciated  her  and  her  father  who  they  all

         remembered as The Coconut Man.

         All the villagers pooled their money together and

         hired a truck driver with a big truck, along with a

         string band to drive around The Valley road playing

         the  Coconut  Woman  song,  which  she  really

         enjoyed. Samantha, the Coconut Woman lived for
         many  more  years  in  her  little  village  and  was

         supported by all.

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