Page 11 - Coconut Woman
P. 11

Coconut Woman

         her father, who she really missed. She also missed

         her  mother  dearly,  as  she  knew  she  would  have
         been  there  to  help  with  everything  as  well.

         The  young  man,  who  was  also  Bill’s  godson,  felt

         sad  for  her,  so  he  offered  to  help  her  with  the

         business  by  telling  her  the  secret  ingredients  her

         father  had  given  to  him  to  make  the  coconut
         products more delicious, as he too was a coconut

         man on the other side of the island where he lived.

         Over a period of one year, Samantha was already

         the  most  popular  coconut  seller  on  the  island  of
         Anguilla where she, her father and mother grew up.

         As the years progressed, Samantha’s Coconuts had

         become so popular, they moved to a new  location

         with a permanent structure.

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