Page 7 - Experiment on the Loose
P. 7

Experiment on the Loose

          Nothing  they  did  restrained  him,  and  he

          remained  unharmed.    Before  you  knew  it,  he

          escaped from the trap and disappeared back into

          the dark shadows of the lab.

          This was the one thing the scientists did not want

          to happen because they had experimented with a

          dangerous  serum  that  could  potentially  make

          Experiment  047  immortal.  The  serum  was  so

          strong that it gave Experiment 047 superpowers.

          He  developed  the  ability  to  fly  and  was
          unstoppable; he could also summon any weapon

          of his choice by just imagining it.

          They  also  believed  that  he  could  become

          invisible if he wanted to, but they were not certain

          of that yet.  This is why they did not want him to
          go back into the dark lab.  It would be difficult to

          find  him  in  there.    But  still  they  were  fairly

          confident  that  once  he  was  in  the  building  they

          would be able to find him.

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