Page 8 - Experiment on the Loose
P. 8

Experiment on the Loose

         There  was  no  way  he  was  escaping,  or  so  they

         thought. In all the rush to block the front and back

         entrances, they forgot to block the emergency exit
         at  the  side  of  the  building.  A  loud  BOOM  rattled

         the entire lab.

         Experiment 047 had used an  explosive to blow the

         door clean off its hinges.  The ground beneath the
         lab  shook  and,  for  a  few  seconds,  it  felt  like  a

         mighty  volcano  had  exploded  and  its  dome  had

         collapsed       causing      a     massive       earthquake.

         Experiment  047  had  just  escaped;  he  was  an

         experiment on the loose.

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