Page 15 - The Curse
P. 15

The Curse

          Finally, the evil spirit had been lifted from her.

          She thanked me and said that she felt free.  She
          told me not to tell anyone about what happened

          because  she  didn’t  want  anyone  to  be  afraid  of


          It  was  then  that  I  realized  the  mystery  to  her

          surname – it was soucouyant spelled backwards!

          I  gave  her  my  promise  and  to  this  day  I  have

          never told anyone.

          What  I  learned  that  night  was  that  you  can  be

          brave  beyond  your  wildest  dreams  and  that  you

          can overcome anything with GOD on your side.

          Kahly Paul
          Grand Roy Government School

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