Page 10 - The Curse
P. 10

The Curse

         “Oh,  my  God,  what  is  going  on  –  what  is  that

         thing?” I whispered to myself. Did that thing take
         Jasmine while I was asleep?

         I  went  in  my  bag  for  my  holy  water  and  rosary

         which my mother gave to me and said would keep

         me safe from evil.  I sprinkled myself with the holy

         water,  put  the  rosary  around  my  neck  and  said  a
         prayer  to  give  me  courage  to  face  the  iniquity.

         After I said the prayer I felt quite brave because I

         knew I had God on my side.

         I sneaked quietly out of the tent towards the back

         of the neighbouring tent and waited.  I saw the ball
         of  fire  floating  out  of  the  tent  and  realized  there

         was a human form within the blaze.  A LIGAROO? A


         I  remembered  what  Mr.  Licorish  had  said  about

         Ligaroos    and  Soucouyants  –  Ligaroos  are  male
         and  Soucouyants  were  female.    They  turn  into  a

         ball of fire at night and suck the blood of people.

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