Page 6 - The Curse
P. 6

The Curse

          We  trekked  through  the  forest  and  came  upon

          the stunning Grand Etang Lake, which looked like
          an enormous swimming pool, surrounded by tall

          spiky weeds. I realized I was standing at the top

          of  a  dormant  volcano,  and  couldn’t  believe  it.

          As we stood along the bank we could see Koi fish

          swimming in the water.

          It  was  so  cold  that  we  hurriedly  got  out  our

          jackets to put on; you could see vapour in the air

          all around the lake.

          We continued along the trail until we saw a clear

          path  that  was  suitable  to  set  up  our  camp  –  by

          that  time  it  was  already  evening.  The  path  was
          surrounded  by  enormous  mahogany,  pine,  and

          baccano trees, just to name a few, which danced

          in the gentle, tropical breeze.

          You could hear Mona monkeys chattering in the

          distance,  birds  chirping  a  lovely  melody  and

          animals  rustling  in  the  bushes  –  I  even  saw  a
          manicou scurrying along a tree branch.

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