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Caribbean Vocational Qualifications FAQs Handbook

         4.     What are the certification arrangements in place to facilitate
                the CVQ* integration of the CSEC® and CAPE® Syllabuses?

                (a)  The content in selected CAPE® and CSEC® syllabuses and
                    the Regional Occupational Standards are aligned.
                (b)  This  alignment  has  created  the  opportunity  for  students
                    where  applicable  (from  territories  that  meet  the
                    requirements  for  the  issuing  of  CVQ*  awards)  to  be
                    recognised for the Units of Competencies covered through
                    the SBA.
                (c)  The SBA component of the syllabus will be quality assured
                    (moderated) using the existing systems and strategies.
                (d)  If candidates are being registered for the CVQ* award, the
                    (i)  assessor,  (ii)  internal  verifier,  (iii)  external  verifier  and
                    the  (iv)  quality  assurance  auditor  of  the  CXC®  are
                    responsible for quality assuring training and assessment.
                (e)  Note that this is only applicable if the CVQ* Certificate or
                    Statements of Competence will be awarded.

         5.     How does one qualify for CVQ* Certification?

                Candidates  who  have  successfully  completed  the  full  CVQ*
                Qualification  are  usually  issued  with  a  Statement  of
                Competence and a Certificate for the level and programme of

         6.     What are the benefits of the CVQ*?

                •  The CVQ* together with traditional academic qualifications
                   create alternative pathways to acquiring further education.
                •  It complements the academic track.
                •  It is a recognised and portable qualification in CARICOM and
                   the world.
                •  It ensures that you can perform in the workplace.
                •  It takes account of previous work experience and skills.

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