Page 6 - 3 - All Alone
P. 6

All Alone

          Hastily,  I  got  all  my  morning  chores  done  and

          wasted no time to get back inside to dress myself

          for school, but something was amiss. I just could

          not  place  my  fingertips  on  it.  As  I  scurried

          through  the  halls  of  my  home,  I  immediately
          realized what it was.

          “Wait  a  minute,  where  is  my  dad?  Where  is  my

          bro......”SHHHIIILLLOOOOHHH!”  I  shouted  for  my

          brother, Shiloh.  My voice echoed throughout the
          empty  halls,  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  they

          probably  had  to  work  early.  So,  I  ironed  my

          clothes, fed myself and went to school.

          As I skipped happily along, I wondered where my
          friend  Jahiem  was?  Maybe  he  caught  an  early

          ride, I thought, but as my journey continued, I did

          not see Mrs. Brown raking her front lawn as she

          normally did. Neither did I see Mr. Paul forcefully

          pulling  his  stubborn  ram  goat.  As  I  neared  the

          school’s  premises, I  looked  around. I thought to
          myself,  I  must  have  been  really  late.  The

          compound looked completely deserted.

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