Page 4 - 9 - The Mystery Under My Bed
P. 4

The Mystery Under My Bed
            magine staying in your own room, sleeping on

          your  own  bed  and  not  even  realizing  what  was

          about to scare you under your own bed. Well, call

          me crazy, but it happened to me and this is my

          version of the events.

          It was sometime in April 2019. My adorable family

          had just moved from Barzeys to Davy-Hill into a

          three-bedroom  apartment.  Excitement  filled  me,

          because  I  would  now  be  much  closer  to  my
          friends  and  family  members  as  Barzeys  was  so


          Upon  arrival  at  the  apartment,  my  sister  and

          I occupied a room that already had two beds in it,

          it was  already cleaned and beautifully decorated
          by  our  mom.  The  room  was  so  spacious  and

          tranquil. It was like an oasis, a place to go, when I

          needed  to  think  and  concentrate  on  my

          schoolwork or even to have a relaxed moment.

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