Page 7 - 9 - The Mystery Under My Bed
P. 7

The Mystery Under My Bed

         Several weeks  passed quickly by, when I realized

         that falling asleep was now difficult. Moreover, my
         once  peaceful  room  had  started  to  change.

         Each time I lay on the bed, there was a funny noise

         underneath. I was too afraid to venture under my

         bed  to  be  certain  of  what  was  the  cause.  Is  my

         mind playing tricks? I often wondered as I lay wide-

         eyed awake! Or, was it the movies?

         I had watched so many scary movies and saw the

         outcome  of  when  people  attempted  to  search

         under their beds for noises, bad things happened.

         I became petrified to even investigate the source of
         the noise. I started to sneak into my mom’s room

         at night. After a week my mom noticed that I was

         sleeping in her room and she questioned,  “Kailey,

         what is the problem?”  “Why are you frightened to

         sleep in your room?”

         I  responded  sadly,  “Mom,  I  have  been  hearing

         some  strange  noises  under  my  bed  while  I  am


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