Page 66 - CAPE Green Engineering Syllabus 2016.docx_Neat
P. 66

WORD         DEFINITION/MEANING                                   NOTES

Illustrate   features.
Justify      Show clearly by using appropriate examples or
Investigate  diagrams, sketches.
List         Explain the meaning of.
Name         Explain the correctness of.
Observe      Use simple systematic procedures to observe,
             record data and draw logical conclusions.
Plan         Add names to identify structures or parts indicated
Predict      by pointers.
             Itemise without detail.
             Take accurate quantitative readings using
Sketch       appropriate instruments.

             Give only the name of.                               No additional information is

             Write down observations.

             Pay attention to details which characterise a        Observations may involve all the
             specimen, reaction or change taking place; to        senses and/or extensions of them
             examine and note scientifically.                     but would normally exclude the
                                                                  sense of taste.

             Give basic steps only.

             Prepare to conduct an investigation.

             Use information provided to arrive at a likely
             conclusion or suggest a possible outcome.

             Write an accurate description of the full range of   This includes the values for any
             observations made during a given procedure.          variable being investigated; where
                                                                  appropriate, recorded data may be
                                                                  depicted in graphs, histograms or

             Show connections between; explain how one set
             of facts or data depend on others or are
             determined by them.

             Make a simple freehand diagram showing relevant
             proportions and any important details.

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