Page 34 - Trends - Labour + Ind Relations 2017 - Vol 3
P. 34


          TD NO.      PARTY NO. 1         PARTY NO. 2              CORAM             DATE OF

         TD 452/13   National Union of    Chief Personnel   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas      19.07.16
                     Government and          Officer        HH Mrs. J. Christopher-
                    Federated Workers                         Nicholls
                                                            HH Mr. M. Mitchell

         TD 238/13 Trinidad and Tobago   Trinidad and Tobago   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas   19.07.16
                   Postal Workers Union  Postal Corporation  HH Mr. A. Aberdeen
                                                            HH Dr. S. Samaroo
            TD       National Truckers,   Junior Sammy      HH Mrs. S. Ramparas      20.07.16
          24/13(S)    Operators and     Contractors Limited  HH Mrs. J. Christopher-
                     General Workers'                         Nicholls
                       Trade Union                          HH Mr. M. Maharaj

         TD 4/10(S)   Oilfields Workers'   Yara Trinidad Limited  HH Mrs. H. Seale   20.07.16
          9/10(S)      Trade Union                          HH Mr. G. Rousseau
            2 &                                             HH Mr. M. Mitchell
            TD      All Trinidad General   Ace Contractors   HH Mrs. K. George-      20.07.16
         106/14(S)  Workers' Trade Union     Limited          Marcelle
                                                            HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed
                                                            HH Mr. M. Mitchell

         TD 660/13  Banking, Insurance   Trinidad and Tobago   HH Mrs. K. George-    20.07.16
                       and General     Police Service Credit   Marcelle
                      Workers' Union    Union Co-operative   HH Mr. M. Daniel
                                          Society Limited   HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed

         TD 336/11  Steel Workers Union    1  Party No. 2   HH Mr. H. Soverall       21.07.16
                      of Trinidad and   Ministry of Science,   HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                         Tobago          Technology and     HH Mr. G. Rousseau
                                         Tertiary Education
                                          2  Party No. 2
                                       Chief Personal Officer
         IRO 37/11   National Union of   Trinidad and Tobago   HH Mrs. H. Seale      22.07.16
                     Government and       Police Service    HH Mr. P. Rabathaly
                    Federated Workers      Association      HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed
            TD       Oilfields Workers'   Petroleum Company   HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial  26.07.16
          41/08(S)     Trade Union        of Trinidad and   HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                                          Tobago Limited    HH Mr. G. Rousseau
         TD 9/14(S)  Oilfields Workers'   Petroleum Company   HH Mr. M. Daniel       26.07.16
                       Trade Union        of Trinidad and   HH Mr. M. Maharaj
                                          Tobago Limited    HH Mr. M. Mitchell

         TD 649/13    Transport and    Ansa Polymer Limited  HH Mrs. H. Seale        26.07.16
                     Industrial Workers'                    HH Mr. N. Khan            ORAL
                          Union                             HH Mr. M. Mitchell      JUDGEMENT

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