Page 37 - Trends - Labour + Ind Relations 2017 - Vol 3
P. 37

APPENDIX               1

          TD NO.      PARTY NO. 1         PARTY NO. 2              CORAM             DATE OF
          TD 589,    Oilfields Workers'   Tobago Coral Reef   HH Mr.  M. Daniel      23.08.16
         590, 592 &    Trade Union          Operators       HH Mr. L. Achong          ORAL
          593/12                                            HH Mr A. Aberdeen       JUDGEMENT
         TD 200/16   Oilfields Workers'   Trico Industries Limited  HH Mrs. D. Thomas-Felix  23.08.16
                       Trade Union                          HH Mr. A. Aberdeen        ORAL
                                                            HH Mr. M. Daniel        JUDGEMENT

          TD 121 &   Communication      Danille and Jacob   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas      26.09.16
          122/13      Workers' Union         Limited        HH Mr. A. Aberdeen        ORAL
                                                            HH Dr. S. Samaroo       JUDGEMENT

           RSBD      National Workers'   Knight's Investments   HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial  28.09.16
           37/13          Union              Limited        HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                                                            HH Mrs. J. Christopher-
          TD 52/13  Banking, Insurance   Trinidad and Tobago   HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial  29.09.16
                       and General       Police Complaints   HH Mr. G. Rousseau
                      Workers’ Union        Authority       HH Mrs. J. Christopher-

         TD 371/15   National Union of   Superpharm Limited  HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial   30.09.16
                     Government and                         HH Mr. G. Rousseau
                    Federated Workers

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