Page 16 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 16


                                                 FESTIVALS • FAIRS • TOURS
                    WE         TO CELEBRATE!

          Fourth Fridays Downtown           food vendors, a parade, and fireworks.  5 to the 5 Vintage Hydros Presents
          Madison (April-November): Live    Jefferson County 4-H Fair (July):   Madison Vintage Thunder
          music, extended shopping hours, and   Exhibits, music, rides, and more.  (September): hydroplane boat racing on
          more on Madison’s Main Street.                                     the Ohio River.
                                            Madison Ribberfest (3rd weekend in
          Madison in Bloom (May): Take a tour   August): BBQ cook-off, music festival   Loft Tour (September): See how the
          of Madison’s beautiful spring gardens.   featuring well-known blues performers,   upper half lives as you tour downtown
          (biennial)                        boat rides, and food.            loft spaces. (biennial)
          Riverfront Run Car Show (May): Clas-  Neavill’s Grove “Old Settlers    Madison Airport Airshow (Septem-
          sic car show along Madison’s riverfront   Meeting” (last Saturday in August):   ber): Aviation Day celebration.
          with awards, food, and music.     Since 1885 – antique machinery,    Madison Chautauqua Festival of Arts
          Spring and Fall Old Court Days (4th   entertainment, food, and fellowship.  (last weekend in September): Fine arts
          weekend in May/last full weekend in   Chelsea Jubilee (August/September):   and crafts show featuring live music
          September): Free arts, crafts, antiques,   Indiana’s oldest continuous festival   and children’s activities.
          and collectibles fair around the court-
                                            with tractor parade, music, games, arts   Hanover College’s Homecoming (Oc-
          house square.
                                            & crafts, and flea market.       tober): Football, tailgating, and more.
          Riverfront Wine, Stein & Barrel   Rockin’ on the River (1st weekend   Tri Kappa Tour of Homes (October):
          (June): Music, art, food, select wine,   in September): Classic car show along   Tour historic sites and homes in down-
          bourbon, and beer.
                                            Madison’s riverfront featuring awards,   town Madison. (biennial)
          River Roots Music & Folk Art Festival  food, and music.            Soup Stew Chili & Brew (2nd week-
          (June): Live music, craft beer, and chil-  Canaan Fall Festival and Pony   end in October): Madison’s only festival
          dren’s activities.
                                            Express Mail Run (2nd weekend in   on Main Street features delicious food,
          Music at the Mansion (June-       September): Festival with parade,   wine, beer, live music, children’s activ-
          September): Concert series on Lanier   music, games, pie baking contest, flea   ities, and shopping. This festival (orga-
          Mansion grounds. Bring lawn chairs   market, and more—including historic   nized by the Madison Area Chamber of
          and a picnic.                     ride between Canaan and Madison post  Commerce) supports local non-profits,
          Music in the Park (June-September):   offices carrying mail with special Pony   businesses, and artists.
          Free, family-friendly concert series   Express postmark.           Ghost Walk (October): Lanier Mansion
          around the Broadway Fountain.     Hispanic Cultural Awareness Day   State Historic Site will conduct walks
          Fourth of July/Regatta Week       (2nd weekend in September): Cel-  through the city with a costumed guide
          (1st week in July): Annual running of   ebration of Latin American culture   recounting ghost stories from the area.
          the world’s fastest race boats and fami-  with food, dance, and artifacts around   Red White & Boo (Halloween): Free,
          ly festivities including music, contests,   Broadway Fountain.     safe community Halloween Party with

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