Page 272 - Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf_Neat
P. 272

Index of subjects

              agriculture                      Bayt al-Dawlah (British Political Agency)
                debate on 120                     64–5, 123
                decline of 21, 217–18          bidun 4
                and land regime before the reforms 212  British India Steam Navigation Company
              ‘Arab 29, 154                       100, 106, 169
              Arab Nationalism 120, see also al-Ha’yah  British informal empire 1, 8, 10
                 and Pan-Arabism                in Bahrain 113–14
                and land policies 210–11        and British Indian law 28, 125
                mobilisation in Manama 147–8    in the Gulf 5, 50
                and rural society 218           rhetoric of 120
              al-‘arish                        British Overseas Airways Corporation
                al-bahrani 35                     (BOAC) 50, 132, 196
                al-manami 35                   British Political Agency see Bayt al-
              al-‘asabiyyah see tribalism         Dawlah
              ‘ashura’, 23, 91, 101, 106, 107, 164, see also  British Political Residency (Bushehr) see
                 ma’tam and Muharram rituals      Residency, British (Bushehr)
                divisions between Arabs and Persians 165
                and ma’tams 38, 97, 107        Civil List 114
                parades 165, 166               clubs 177–8
              awqaf ja‘fariyyah                 the Arab Club (Nadi al-‘Urubah)
                control by the clergy 23–4        177–8, 179
              awqaf al-sunnah 90                the Bahrain Club (Nadi al-Bahrayn)
              a‘yan see merchants in Manama: notables  177–8, 179
                                                Firdawsi 187
              Bahrain 5, 6, 119                 and football 178
                administration 3
                as a frontier society 9, 16    Dar al-Hukumah 28, 33, 38, 39, 70,
                Islands of 2, 8–9                 77, 153
                as the ‘Islands of Paradise’ 22, 29, 218
              Bahrain National Congress 158    East India Companies 45
              Bahrain Order-in-Council          Dutch 45
                of 1913 113–14, 115, 116        English 44, 49–57
                of 1952 209                    Egyptian Gazette 227
              Bahrain Petroleum Company see BAPCO  Egyptian Revolution (1952) 120, 174, 182
              al-baladiyyah see Municipality (Manama)  extraterritorial jurisdiction 28, 72,
              BAPCO (Bahrain Petroleum Company)   156, 159
                 132, 169, 172, 179, 191, 200–1  and 1861 Treaty 122–3
              barastis 36, 72, 90, 92, 103, 192, 193,  application of 121–3
                 198, 200                       and establishment of native agency
                dwellers 130–1, 155               court 80
              al-barriyyah 93, 94               transfer of 209

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