Page 273 - Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf_Neat
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Index of subjects 253
al-fidawiyyah 26, 87, 88, 96, 99, 129, 131, port regime after 1923 140–1
146, 153 urban organisation before oil 31–3
and urban public security 30, 156 Muharram rituals 12, 107
al-Fitnah see Muharram rituals Fitnah al-Muharram 170–1, 173, 210
Foreign Office 116, 119, 121, 171 and nationalist protests 184
as public and political events 165–6,
Government of India 25, 50, 59–60, 97, 167–70
103, 157 Municipality (Manama) 5, 11, 12,
Grey Mackenzie (British India Steam 117, 121, 123, 126, 131, 148–9,
Navigation Company) 78, 94 158–9, 230
boundaries of jurisdiction 126–7, 141
al-hala’il 70, 91 and collapse of pearling 127–9
al-Ha’yah 173, 179, 180, 183, council (majlis al-baladiyyah) 112, 124,
185–6, 210 128, 129, 130, 134, 135, 141, 142,
disbandment of 186 148, 176
and the labour movement 180–1 elections 134–5, 146, 147, 230
and radio propaganda 182 guards (na’turs) 129–30, 131
al-Ha’yah al-Tanfidhiyyah al-‘Uliya independent legal authority of 123–6
(The High Executive Committee) see and markets 139–40, 142–3, 144–5
al-Ha’yah police and Najdi rioters 157–8
and urban development 192, 195–6,
ihya’ 216 197–8, 199, 231
Imami Shi‘ism see Shi‘ism
al-‘imarah 24, 25 nadi see clubs
abolition of 114 National Census (1941) 137
informal empire see British informal empire Nationality and Property Law (1937) 103,
Iranian Revolution (1979) 224, 230 123, 209–10
Norwich Union 132
al-Jam‘iyah al-Tashri‘iyyah (Legislative
Council) 158 oil 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Jaridah al-Bahrayn 179, 198 cities 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 89, 221, 222
economy, international 7
al-khammas 162 industry 4, 9, 227–8
khums 18 modernisation 5, 11
rentierism 6–7
Land Registration Department (Idarah state 4, 5, 10
al-Tabu) 114, 118, 126, 127, 140, oil (Bahrain)
192, 212 economic impact on Manama 131–2
and rural development 211–12, prospects of 113
213–15, 215–16 and reforms 119
and urban development 192, 198, 200, workers and unrest 170–1, 172
205, 206, 207–9
Pahlavi, government 159, 168,
majlis al-baladiyyah see municipality: council 169, 208
Majlis al-Salifah 25, 161, 163 Pan-Arabism 174, 184, 186
Majlis al-‘Urf 80, 96, 118 Pax Britannica 16, 46, 51
Manama and urbanisation 53–4
Arabisation after 1957 226–7 Pax Islamica 48
boom of import economy 132 pearl(ing) industry 26
immigration in the oil era 206, 207–9 boom of 10
‘Indianisation’ after 1973 228–9 as a local enterprise 59–60
languages 67 reform of 161, 162–3
as a ‘littoral society’ 62 socio-economic impact of 58–9
merchant residences 36–7 Pious Foundations Department (Idarah
population figures 54, 90 al-Awqaf) 138, 168