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                                                  TABLE No. 20.

                        Controlled Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported into Bahrein duriuo
                                               the Years 1683 and 1684.
                                                          Fob tub Yr*r«
                                                                           Increase in   Decrease in
                                   Class.                                    18SH.    im
                                                       1883.      1834.
                                                        R           R         E        R
                       Animals, Living-                  36,700     34,250             2,450
                       Apparel, Wearing .                 1,750     2,000      250
                       Arms aud Ammunition               13/300     13,550     250
                       Beads and Amber                     500        450                50
                       Books and Printed Matter           1,100      1,200     mo
                       Building Materials ,                200        250       50
                       Candles .                          3/200     3,500      300
                       Canes and Rattans .                 150        200       50
                       Canvas .
                       Cattle .                          45,500     47.500    2,000
                       Clocks, and Watches.               •2,350    3,100      750
                       Coal .
                       Cocoa nuts                         4,200     *5,000     bOO
                       Coffee .                        1.21.500   1.24.000    2,500
                       Coir and Coir Rope .              15,500     16.500    1,000
                       Confectionery Preserves            0,510     G,S50      350
                       Cotton Goods .                  2,93.700     3<‘,GOO   12,300
                            Tli read and Twist           24,100     23,000             1,100
                             Raw .                      1.12.500   1.15.000   2,500
                       Dates ....                      1.42.500   1,15,000    2.500
                       Date Juice                         7,500      l*,000   1.500
                       Drugs and Medicines               24,700     24,010     210
                       Dyeing and Cokuring Materials      8,620     0,050     1,030
                       Earthenware .                      2,350     2.500      150
                       Fruits and Vegetables             23,050     24,650             3,400
                       Fuel ....                         24,300     20.900    2,GOO
                       Furniture                                                      • ••
                       Glass and Glassware              * *2/150   *2,300                50
                       Gold Embroidered Cloth .           2,000      1.500              500
                        „ Lace                            1,600     1.500               1U0
                         „ Thread, &c.   .   .            8,300     9,300     1.C00
                       Grain and Pulse   .             6,25,600   6,51,900   26,300
                       Gum ....                            270        320       50
                       Hardware and Cutlery               2,400     2.500      100    •••
                       Hides and Skins                   17,000     15.900
                       Indigo .   .   .   .              12,750     13.500     750
                       Jute, Raw                          4.250     5,000      750
                        ,, Mann futures of                 600        750      150    •••
                       Leather, Manufactures of .         1,800     2,050      £50
                       Lemons, Dry ...                    9.250     10,300    1,550
                       Lemon Juice .                       550        650      100      100
                       Liquors, Wines and Spirits          600        500
                       Lucifer*.   .   .   .              1,800     2,000      £00      1£0
                       Mats                               5,300     5,180      550
                       Metals .  • •                     £3,300     23,850    6,500
                          „ Manufactures of                          6,500            • ••
                       Mill-stones                         £50        270       20    • ••
                       oa                                83,350     42,770    9,420   • ••
                       Opinm *•   •   •   •                400        450                20
                       Puints and Colours  .               120        100  1,65,000   • ••
                       Pearls •   •                    4,15,000   5,80,000     £00
                       Perfumery   .  #  .               12,850     13,050     TOO    • ••
                       Porcelain and Chinsware .          8,800     4,500    8,500    • #•
                       Provisions and Oilman’s Stores    92,200   1,00,700              250
                       8alt •    •   •    •               1,250     1,000
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