Page 268 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 268


                         Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Bahrein Jurim*
                                              the Years 1S63 and 1884-continued.              9
                                                            Fob rn* Yiusa
                                                                              Incrcnno in   Dc<rea.»e io
                                                                               1881.    1881.
                                                          1883.      1881.
                                                             ft          R        ft       ft
                         Date Juice                         4,350      4,750      400    • ••
                         Dru£6 and Medicines               12,650     12,250               400
                         Dyeing and Colouring Materials     3,380      3,630      250    • ••
                         Earthenware                        2,950      3,300      350    • ••
                         Fruits and Vegetables             13,110     12,540               570
                         Fuel ....                          4,150      4,050               100
                         Glass and Glassware                 990         830               110
                         Gold Embroidered Cloth .           1,900      1,000               900
                           „ Lace                             850        710               140
                           „ Thread, &c.                    2,300      3,550     1,250   • ••
                         Grain and Pulse                  2,27,450   2,29,410    1,960   • ••
                         Gum ....                             150        130    • ••        20
                         Hardware and Cutlery               1,400      1,500      100    Ml
                         Hides and Skins                   24,5110    25,300      800
                         Indigo ....                        7,550      8,200      650
                         Jnte, flaw                           800        650               150
                           „ Manufactures of                5.650      6,000      350    • • •
                         Leather, Manufactures of .         1,500       1,700     200
                         Demons, Dry .                      1.650      1,750      100    Ml
                         Demon Juice .                        100         80                20
                         Liquors, Wines and Spirits           300                          300
                         L-ucifers                          1,000      1,250      250
                         Mats ....                          10,480     11,100     620
                         Metals ....                        8,440      8,460       20
                            „ Manufactures of .                          700      700
                         Mill-stones                           90        110       20
                         Oil                               12,S80      14,900    2,020
                         Opium ....                           120        100    Ml          20
                         Paints and Odours .                   70         80       10
                         Pearls ....                     19,77,500  23,12,000  3,84,500  • ••
                         Perfumery                          7,650      7,800      150    all
                         Porcelain and Chinaware .          2,000      1,900               100
                         Provisions and Oilman's Stores     22,580     20,780   • ••      1,800
                         Salt ...                             400        500      100    • M
                         Saltpetre                          1,050        950    • ••       100
                         Seeds ....                         2,000      2,040       40    .!•
                         Shark Fins ...                     8,500      8,800      300
                         Shells, Mother-0*'Pearl            2,550      2,700      150      750
                         Silk, Raw                          7,950      7.200
                           ,, Manufactures of               21,900    22,200      300    • • •
                         Spices .                           45,920     4S,040    2,120   • •• 200
                         Stationery                         1,400       1.200   Ml
                         Sugarcandy .                        6,850     7,000      150    • ••  50
                         Sugar, Crushed                       370        320    • ••
                           „  Loaf .                          800        920      120    •••
                           „  Soft .                        15,000     15,250     250
                         Tallow .                           4,200      4,300      100    •••  50
                         Tea                                  450        400    • ••
                         Tobacco                            35,COO     37,400    2,400   .*• 270
                                Manufactures of             3,100       2,830   • ••
                         Timber and Wood .                  10,700     11,100     400       30
                         Wax, Bees1 .                         230        200             •••
                         Wool                                9,000     9,400      400    • ••
                         Woollen Goods .                    10,820     11,100     870    • ••
                         Other kinds .                                • ••      • ft
                                                           Ml                          • 14,450
                                             Total       31,00,190  34,92,030  4,06,290  •••
                                            Specie        6,68,000   6,80,000   22,000
                                    GRAND TOTAL          37,58,190  41,72,030  4,28,200  14,450
                                              si'Krsvrs: r;
   263   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273