Page 130 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 130
Authorities : Wallin, 1845 ; Guarmani, 18G4 ; Blunt, 1878 ; Huber, 1S80 ; Huber
and Euting, 1883; Miss Gertrude Bell, 1914 (from Qcna to Ha’il) ; compared
with Palgrave, 1862.
Direction : SE. in general.
Distance : Crow-tiy, 223 miles ; road, 271 miles.
Character and Supplies : see p. 24 f.
total, stages.
JAUF EL-'AMR, town ; see I, p. 387 f.
Dir. SE. across the basin of Jauf ; then road climbs
sandy rim of Jdl el-Jauf, | hr. from Jauf (Huber),
on to plain which merges imperceptibly into the
Dir. then bears SSE.
30 30 Slmqiq (usual time, according to Wallin, from 12 to 14 hrs.;
Huber and Euting passed the well of Hazeima
just over 12 hours from Jauf, and Kheneifez,
another of the group, just over 13£ hours *•
from Jauf), a depression of hard and saline soil, :
the western end of which the route crosses ;
here are six or more well-built wells (Huber
reports and names ten in the district), within
range of 4 or 5 miles, 120-150 ft. in depth, forming
large basins below, and having mouths a yard or
more in diameter ; water sweet and excellent,
and never failing totally throughout the year ; \
these are the only wells between Jauf and Jubbah,
from 4 to 6 days’ travel.
Dir. continues SSE., track keeping E. of Jebel Raf,
(passed after 2i hrs.) with Jebel Tawil beyond it,
then crossing the great sand-dunes of Faluli,
E 2