Page 168 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 168
total, stages.
17 m. Khafiyah plain reached ; well of Sherri lies
7 m. to W. ; Gara ridge on E. [Near this
point Route No. 2, from Jauf to Boreidah,
crosses track ; see above, p. 72.]
13 m. Nuqrat el-Quseibah reached. Descend into it.
2 m. Pass between wells of Suwal to E., and
SvMyah to W., each at 3 m. distance.
309 36 Quseibah, a village or small town stretching for a mile
along the foot of a precipitous sandstone cliff ;
pop. 1,000 ; wells with abundant sweet water.
Dir. S., up steep path to top of cleft at S. end of village.
20 m. Dir. a little E. of S., over level stony ground ;
several rocky ridges crossed during remain
ing 8 m. to end of stage.
337 28 ‘AYtJN EL-QASIM, town, pop. 4,000; see I, p. 373.
[Here the track joins Route No. 15 from Ha’il to
Boreidah; seep. 114.]
Dir. SE., down depression with jal on left bearing
away ESE., groves and small settlements under
it visible 2-3 m. away. Sandy Sarah steppe on
12 m. Qara'ah, village ; two settlements 1 m. apart;
500 inhab. ; wells, brackish water, at 80 ft.
2 m. Salt lake, often dry.
1 m. Shiqqah, village; 500 inhab.; large groves ;
wells -with brackish water at 40-50 ft. On
to end of route (13 m.), through gritty sand
desert with sandstone outcrops, and then soft
365 28 BOREIDAH, town; see I, p. 370 ff.