Page 204 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 204
Authorities: Knox, 1908, and Shakespear, 1911, compared with Sadlier, 1819;
and native information.
General Direction: SSE. or S. by E.
Distance : Crow-fly, 290 miles ; road, 345.
Character and Supplies : see p. 33 f.
total, stages. ___ „
KOWEIT, town; see I, p. 29o f.
Dir. SSE. across the barren desert of Qrd'ah.
6 m. Dimnah, village, 2 m. to E. ; 250 houses.
2 m. Qasr es-Sirrah, a fortified residence, 150 ft. by
il20 ft., with tower at each corner ; mud
\valls 12 ft. high : entrance N. side ; abundant
water from wells, at 60—70 ft. Route now
enters the sandy district of ‘Adan and follows
the coast.
5 m. Faneitis, hamlet; 6-7 wells ; brackish water
at 12 ft.
3 m. Fantds, village ; 100 houses, 30 wells, some
with good water at 20 ft.; 300 date-palms.
2 m. Abu Haleifah, village ; 50 houses, 30 wells
with good water at 20 ft., 1,000 date-palms.
2 m. Wells of Themllat el-‘Atwal, 2-3 m. W. of
route ; sweet water.
1 m. Faheihil, 50 houses ; 20 wells of good water
at 8 ft.; 200 date-palms ; sheep and goats.
25 25 ShVaibah, 15 houses in ruined fort; 10 wells with good
water at 16 ft. ; 150 date-palms ; 3 or 4 pearling-
Dir. almost S. Within 3 m. the water-courses Bahrat
eth-Thaba‘ah and Bahrat el-Jareibah are crossed.
10 m. Si-had ‘Areifjan, hill ; good wells on NE.
side ; over barren plain into district of Salu‘.
13 m. Umm Khurjein, a saddle-backed ridge.
Dir. SW. 3 m. to end of stage.
51 26 SaW, a line of water-holes, about 100 yds. long, under
four ledges of sandstone rock.