Page 200 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 200
t (
f miles, miles,
tot. st. tot. at.
stony surface to sand and clay, and finally
to the sand desert.
n 160 68 Dahanah. Across the desert, over dunes rising
M to a maximum of over 80 ft., and running
h; NW. to SE.
•! 20 m. Western border of Dahanah is reached;
: ! thence 1 hr. (3 m.) over sandy steppe to
|| end of stage.
(» 183 23 Ajaflyah, a group of several wells, with a re
i! stricted supply of water at about 40 ft.
i Route crosses a region of small sand ridges,
• i
1! a sandy tract with scrub, and a stony
■ri desert tract called ‘Arma (? ‘Urmah), into
ti a wadi with remarkable eroded rocks.
•» 207 24 Meddq esh-Sha‘lb.
Dir. WSW. through rocky country into a
long tract of alternating stony desert and
steppe, stony ridges between depressions,
and Summan-like desert; direction then
i; changedto SW., and a broad valley entered
>i with good grazing, frequented by Bedouins.
i; 241 34 La‘dn, a plateau running N. and S., bounding the
. i valley on the E. side. Thence 13 m. over
stony desert ground to end of stage.
:! 254 13 RIYADH,
# • •
49 HOFtlF.
Dir. WNW. across waterless desert through
the districts of Badd el-Asis, Jau es-Sa‘-
H dan, and Taff.
i 36 m. Jebel Ghar esh-Shuyukh lies S. bv
W. at a distance of 6 miles.
119 70 Judah, wells in the Hasa district of Taff, be
tween two hills, Jebel Judah and Jebel
Hamrat el-Judah.
Dir. SW. through the waterless Summan and
Dahanah zones.
209 90 Abu Jifan.See main route (p. 101), actually joined
at Sa‘d in the neighbourhood of Abu Jifan.
(Pelly’s route in 1865 may have approximated to this.)