Page 212 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 212



                        108                         EASTERN ROUTES

                        total, stages.
                                            14 m. Ulr«<7 wells, with bitter and undrinkable
                                                    water, but fuel and camel-grazing abundant ;
                                                    good camping-ground near.
                                            Dir. SSE., past Tayyarah knoll on r. and Mareifiyu
                                                 hill on 1., for 1G m.
                           91  37 Jahal, wells ; see above, p. 105 (m. 95 of main route).
           / *
  ..      s.
  *-•*.                                     A second Alternative Route from Koweit, which
                                               joins the main track at Nta‘, is as follows :
                                            15 m. To Malah, as in the first variant (see p. 107) ;
                                                     thence for 10 m. through ‘Addn tract.
                           25  25 Laqit, group of 50 wells with rather brackish water at
                                                     20 ft., and extensive melon cultivation.
                                                       [A route runs SW. from here to Zilfi.]
                                            Dir. SSE., continuing through ‘Adan.
                           40  15 Qrein, an isolated hill ; wells 4 m. to SSW.
                                          Dir. S. through Salu: and along W. border of Hazeiin.
                            61  21 Maraghah, wells with indifferent -water at 9 ft.
                                          Dir. SSE., across Hazeim plain.
                                             14 m. ‘Arq, hill and wells with undrinkable (even
                                                     dangerous) water at 12 ft. Over firm and
                                                     level sand through Sudah tract.
                                             12 m. Takhddid, wells with sweet water at 12 ft.
                                                     On for 11 m. to end of stage.
                            98 37 Hamudh, wells with slightly brackish water at 12 ft.,
                                                     lying about 6 m. SW. of Jahal.
                                             [At Hamudh a third variant from Koweit joins the
                                               route, coming via Subeihiyah wells, 35 m., Wafrah,
          *':v.                                28 m. ; the track then runs for 41 m. SSE. :
                                                total, 104 m.]
                                          Dir. S. by E., across the level plain of the Sudah tract.
                                              7 m. Najim wells.
                                             13 m. Ba‘al, hills on 1., with a flat-topped main
                                                     eminence used by Bedouins as a camping-
                                                     ground (see above, p. 105, Inqair). On 12 m.
                                                     to end of stage.
                           130 32 Na'airiyah, wells near the E. foot of the lull of that name.
                                          Dir. now almost S., over undulating or hilly country,
                                                for 20 m.
                           150 20 Nta‘, village; see above, p. 106 (m. 154 of main route).


                                                • •.                                                         .*.

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