Page 216 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 216




           t                                        EASTERN ROUTES

                                                         ROUTE 14


                        Authorities : Shakespear, 1911, Raunkiaer, 1912, and native information.
                        Direction : The genoral direction is a little E. of N., but in tho first stage, to the
          / *               end of Kowcit Bay, almost due W.
     • ^
          £             Distance : Crow-fly, 72 miles ; road, 96 miles.
                        Character and Supplies : see p. 3-1.

                        total, stages.
                                      KOWEIT, town ; see I, p. 295 f.
                           20  20 Jahrah, village ; see I, p. 296 f. For details to this point,
                                               see Route No. 9, p. 90.
                                         Dir. NW.
                                             3 m. Muila‘ Pass, a gap in the Jdl ez-Zor hills
                                                    between Mulld‘ hill on E. and MuteilVah hill
                                                    on W. Through the pass and up the valley
                                                    Jauf el-Mutla, till the plateau is reached.
                                         Dir. N. by E., through the tracts of Zaqlah, Qira‘ el-
                                              31 arm, and Yah, over stony but level ground,
                                              passable for all vehicles.
                                            20 m. Bdtih district entered.
                                             3 m. Hissu Dhabi, two mounds passed. Route
                                                    crosses several slight ridges,
                                             4 m. the most southerly, called Abatah,
                                             5 m. the most northerly, Hamar.
                                             7 m. SillJirfdn, a broad shallow depression, crossed,
                                                    and route followed for 5 m. to end of stage.
                           67  47 Qash'dniyah, group of six wells with good water at IS ft.
                                              At a distance of 5£ m. to ESE. lie the sweet-water
          ' r.
                                              wells of Umm Niqqah.
                                         Dir. NNW. over slightly undulating stony desert.
                           77  10 Safwan, frontier village, with a few small enclosures
                                              containing houses, and a walled date-grove be­

                                              longing to the Neqlb of Basra, to the E. of which
                                              was (1911) a post of 10 zaptiehs. At 1 m. to W.
                                              a Bedouin halting-place with wells of fair water
                                              at 12 ft. Jebel Sanatn is 5 m. W. of the village.

                                            [It is possible to_travel directly N. from the 3Iutld‘
                                              Pass to Safwan, as Shakespear did in 1911 and

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