Page 224 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 224

{. jUTE 15: HA’IL—RIYADH                                   115

           total, stages.
                                           town (see below), at first over nefud, then
                                           stony steppe with limestone outcrops and
                                           many dry sha'ibs.)
       i                       4 m. Farther bank of Wadi Rummah, 500 yards
                                      wide, by causeway, crossing water-course
                                      under cliffy right bank.
                                  Flat unfertile plain; jdl 1 m. on E. ; qasrs
                                     scattered over plain. Wells, saltish.
             170  22 Aufizlyah, village (owned by Aneizah); 300 inhab.; small
                                  groves and fields and little stock ; wells, 5 ft.
                             Dir. SSE. Sleppe with water near surface.
                                3 m. A qasr, 1 m. right, with groves.
                                3 m. The jdl on E. interrupted for 2 m. Nefud
                                       appears behind. Pass a khdr, very soft after
             1S3  13 Mudhnib, town ; see I, p. 367.
                             Dir. SSE. Pass W. of town, gardens lying W. again.
                                2 m. Qasr of Ibn SaTid, sweet well and gardens.
                                2 ni. Reach edge of Mudhnib depression, and
                                      garden, Raudhat el-Ba‘.
                                2  m. Cross sha'ib. Flat-topped low hills.
             195  12 Murabba‘, village ; 4 isolated qasrs in green hollow ;
                                  '50 inhab. ; wells.
                             Dir. SSE. Qasr el-'A mar 3 m. W.
                                4 m. Enter 'Ayini es-Sirr depression; nefud 4 m.
                                        distant E.
                                61 m. Cross Slia'ib el-Watheildni. Qasr Watheildn
                                        1 m. E.
                                           'Ain es-Suiueina1 lies 2 m. W. (this, accord­
         I                              ing to Doughty, is the first stage from Aneizah
                                        by fast dromedary post).
                                3  m. Qasr ‘Ain Ibn Sabah; running water and
    :                                   gardens.

                                61 m. Qasr Ibn Ndsir, near dry lake-bed ; gardens ;
                                        brackish spring.
             217 22 ‘Ain el-Jareifah, village, sweet wells, in sha'ib.
                             Dir. SSE. After 3 m. ascend out of ‘Ayun es-Sirr de­
                                   pression to nefud with grazing in hollows. Enter
                                18 m. Leave nefud and enter stony steppe with
                                        sandy patches.
                                                    H 2


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