Page 226 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 226
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total, stages.
Dir. SE. 7 m. Re-enter nefud (Areij el-Batarah,
isolated patch).
6 m. Leave nefud and ascend towards sandstone
ridge C m. distant; and then descend Wadi
er-liima gorge 100 ft. wide with 100 ft.
/ * sides.
12 m. Enter plain with scattered^a-srs (SheijarZ m.
• • N. ; Far a").
3 m. Descend to depression.
269 52 SHAQRAH, town; see I, p. 366f.
Dir. ESE. Pass N. of town and through gardens.
Ascend out of depression to nefud (rather stony,
Nefud el-Woshm or Areij-el-Bilddn), past 3 m. a
qasr with gardens. Qara’in(Garaym)hamlet2m.S.
10 m. Leave nefud.
Dir. SE. Watheithiyah village in cleft of ridge to
[An alternative track bears away due E. over nefud to
plain with scattered qasrs and Ghrabah (or Bagh-
abah), village (1,500 inhab.) and group of wells to,
47 m., ‘Aridh (see Route No. 16, p. 120,
and I, p. 359) and so to Riyadh. Shakespear
followed this track from Riyadh in 1914.]
2S4 15 Tharmidah, town ; see I, p. 367.
Dir. SE. Nefud on left.
4 m. Marrah, village and gardens seen 4 m. SW.
Bear away from nefud under S. face of Ardr,
ridge, which ends in isolated crag after 4 m.;
Ghrabah, village (see above) lies about 3 m.
Enter long gravelly undulations reaching
to J. Toweiq (Tuwaiq), visible E.
v* ,
316 32 Barrah, village ; 750 inhab. ; wells, 40 ft., sweet; large
groves and much stock.
Dir. ESE. Ascend wadi, with precipitous limestone
cliffs, towards shoulder of spur of J. Toweiq,
which is passed.
12 m. Enter gorge, 5 m. wide at mouth, narrowing
to 800 yds. Vegetation on W. and E.
Dir.'NE. 5 m. reach watershed and descend gorge
'here with 200 ft. sides, to Wadi Heislyah.
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