Page 230 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 230
total, stages.
Dir. E. Ascend two ledges to plateau edge ; cross
small wadis running N. and over plain stony
surface to
Abu Barkah. Cairns and other traces of Ibn
Rashid’s camp.
High stony desert, followed by clayey ditto with
outcrops of dark rock (sandstone) and bush
vegetation in hollows. Then nefud.
18 m. Hamdiyah, oasis; no inhab.; small grove.
Nakhil el-Abic, ditto; no inhab., but walled groves
with watch tower.
Nuqrat es-Sultdn, ditto, in valley; no inhab., but
small grove owned by Zilfi.
Very soft nefud with high dunes running NE. and
SW. and horseshoe hollows. Very little vege
tation. Harder ground for 4 m. before reach
ing Zilfi.
48 33 Zilfi, town ; see I, p. 36Sf.
[Above was Raunkiaer’s route. Palgrave’s seems to
have borne slightly more northerly from Boreidah
to, 7 m., Wadi Rummah, and 8 m., Raudhat
er-Rubai'i (garden settlement ; 300 inhab. ;
wells sweet, 50 ft.). Then for 10 m. over undu
lating firm ground with sandy surface. Then
nefud for 10 m. to Ikdsii (hamlet in hollow with
gardens axrd well). Then heavy nefud for 7 m.
and firm ground 3 m. to Zilfi. Total, Boreidah-
Zilfi, 46 ? miles.]
Dir. SSE. Skirt Jumbra groves and along hollow
from 5 to 8 m. wide between high nefud right,
and scarp of Jebel Toweiq left. Pass, 3 m.
Mughair (or Imghair) ez-Zilfi (hot-weather station'
in nefud on W., and, 3 m., Aqcilla (Agalla) village
also in nefud W. ; palm-clump in cleft.
15 m. Turn SE. into mouth of valley descending;
from Toweiq and ascend gradually to
07 19 Ghat, town ; see I, p. 369.
Dir. SE. Through groves 14 m., and up gorge with
150 ft. sides to
7 m. Jalta Ghat, dead end of gorge. Ascend b;
zigzags over spur and descend to