Page 252 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 252

ROUTE 17: MA'AN—MEDINA                                      129

                        Dist. km.     Alt
                              Intor-              Station.
                      Total.           ft.
                                                                 These are subdivided into small
                                                                  compounds in which tents are
                                                                  pitched. The doctors and dis­
                                                                 infectors have wooden huts.
                                                                    Tcbuk village is on a slight
                                                                 rise SW. of station. Between the
                                                                  station and village is a promi­
                                                                  nent stone mosque built in 1907
                                                                  by ‘Abd er-Rahman Yusuf.
                                                                  Village has about CO mud houses
                                                                  with perhaps 300 inhabitants.
                                                                  Amongst the inhabitants is
                                                                  Sheikh Harb of the Beni ‘Atiyah.
                                                                 The village is enclosed in a horse­
                                                                  shoe of palm-gardens (about
                                                                  1,000 trees), open towards the
                                                                  railway ; groves about 100 yards
                                                                  deep, and perhaps 1,000 yards
                                                                  long ; water everywhere, 2 to 3
                                                                  metres down ; a few vines, some
                                                                  figs and pomegranates. On W.
                                                                  side of village and gardens is the
                                                                  qaVah and spring. The former
                                                                  is 27 metres square, of stone,
                                                                  and contains a well. The spring
                                                                  is only a few yards away, and
                                                                  runs into three cemented basins ;
                                                                  the yield is about 10,000 gallons
                                                                  a day ; temperature 81° Fahr.,
                                                                  slightly brackish,          The well
           * ••
               v                                                  water is excellent. The oasis
           cv-                                                    people are not Bedouins, but
                                                                  slaves, &c., who have settled
                                                                  there. There is a good view
                                                                  from behind the village of hills
                                                                  to W.
                                                                     From Tebuk the line runs
                                                                  over a monotonous plain of open
                                                                  flat sand and stones with occa­
                                                                  sional scrub. After a short time
                         ARABIA II                             I

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