Page 254 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 254

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                          130                        WESTERN ROUTES

                             Dist. km.    Alt. j
                                   Intor-             Station.
                           Total.          ft. ;
                                                                      the course of the large Wadi Ith 1
                                                                      may be traced by the tamarisk
                                                                      trees along its banks,  This
                                                                      wadi and Wadi Akhdhar occa­
                                                                      sionally flood into Khabrat el-
                          261-00 28-00   2,743. Wadi Ithl                Stone blockhouse on E. side
              1                                                       .of line, and loop-siding. No
                                                                      water. Trees near the sta-
                                                                         One km. N. of the station is
                                                                      the longest bridge on this part
                                                                      of the line (143 metres) ;  20
                                                                      arches of 6 metres each, strongly
              :                                                       built, but only 4-50 metres high
                                                                      to their crown, on piers 1-5
                                                                      metres thick. Deviation easy.
              !                                                       The wadi floods, sometimes
                                                                      twice in a winter. There is an­
                                                                      other bridge of twelve 2-metre
              <  i                              i                     culverts, shortly after.
              i •
              I                                 i  Guard-house
              :                                                          The line continues between
                                                                      the limestone hills, following up
                                                i                     the valley on to a very broken
             • •                                                      plateau, with bare hill-tops and
              ;                                                       deep sandy valleys.
              r                           2,944; Dar el-Hajj
             •!           285-00 24-00                                   Loopholed stone station build­
           K.!                                                        ing on E. side of line. One loop­
             . :
                                                                      siding ; no water.
                                                                         Country continues very bro­
                                                                      ken, with ravines cutting into it.
                                                                      The line crosses Wadi Ghadai
                                                                      (trees), about 7 km. S. of Dar
                                                                      el-Hajj, and two other wadis, by
                                                                      stone bridges.
                           296-00 11-00   3,084 Muslabghah               Fortified stone blockhouse or
                                                                      E. side of line ; 1 loop-siding
                                                                      no water,        Station lies in <

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