Page 266 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 266
Authorities : Musil, April, 1S9S, and Doughty, 1SS7 (Akaba to Maun, main routo) ;
Jaussen, 1902 (Akaba to Ma'an, altcrnativo); Palgrave, 1SG2, Huber, 1S83,
Blunt, 187S, and Carruthers, 1909 (.Ma'an to .Jauf).
Direction : NE. to Ma'an ; E. by N. to YVcisit; ESE. to Jauf.
Distance : Crow-tly, 274 miles ; road, 334 miles.
Character and Supplies : see pp. 41 ff.
total, stages.
Akaba, village ; see I, p. Ill f.
Dir. N. along old road ; Jebel Umm Nuseilah on r.
31- m. Tell Umm Jurr on r.
I m. Rijm Fattlh ; route now turns E. into the
Wdcli Yitm (alt. 160 ft.), which is followed
for about 30 ra. along the line of the old
Roman road.
II in. Wadi Khadhra on r.
| m. Masadd, a stone dam crossing the valley
(see below, p. 141).
11 m. Wadi Resdfah on 1.
l| m. Wadi Abul-Khurdsh on 1.
1 m. Wadi Ruweihah on r., marking the frontier
between the ‘Amran (Tmran) and ‘Alawln
Dir. now a little N. of E.
31m. Wadi Rativa on r. Close to the track this
wadi receives a tributary from the hills
to NE., at the head of which (14 m. from
the mouth) is ‘Avi Ma'ln, a good spring.
Dir. NE.
31 m. Wadi Raddat el-Bdqir on 1. From this point
it is 1 m. to end of stage.
171 17i Moyat el-Mdlhah, a spring with good water, lies 11 m.
distant from this point, in the hills to r. It is
reached in 25 minutes up a track along which
it is possible to ride for the first 1 hr.
Dir. NE.
24 m. Wadi Mozfar on 1. The valley here broadens,
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