Page 262 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 262

134                         WESTERN ROUTES

                          JJist. km.    Alt.
                                Inter-             Station.
                        Total.          ft.
                       459-00 14-00    3,139  Abu Tuqah               Ono loop-siding and block-
                                                                   houseon E.side of line ; no water.
                                                                   Very broken country, with iso­
                                                                   lated pinnacles of red sandstone
                                                                   and deep sand.
                       471-00 12-00           Mushim                   1 loop-siding and blockhouse
          .• •                                                     on E. side of line.
          s.                                                          Line passes through a narrow
                                                                   pass, skirting W. face of Mabrak
                                                                   cn-Naqa‘. Fantastic sandstone
                                                                   rocks worn by wind-blown sand.
                                                                   No water; a few trees and
                                                                   bushes. Descent into Meda’in
                                                                   Salih plain.
                        496-00 25-00 2,538 Me&a’in Salih              Loop-sidings ; large engine-
                                                                   shed ; 3 stone houses ; 2 block­
                                                                    houses and a water-tower fed
                                                                    by a steam pump on W. side of
                                                                    line. Water about 9 metres be­
                                                                    low ground level. Repair shops,
                                                                    and usually a military camp.

                                                                       On the pilgrim road is a
                                                                    qaVah, about 20 metres each
                                                                    way ; in jts courtyard is the Bir
                                                                    en-Naqa, 26 ft. to water. Noria
                                                                    wheel filling cistern of about
                                                                    2,000 cubic metres ; water
                                                                    slightly medicinal. Encamp.-
                                                                    ment of Fuqara Bedouins. In­
         . K..
          • v-                                                      teresting Nabataean tombs near
            . ..
                                                                    the line.
                        511-00 15-00           Wadi el-                Loop-siding, and stone block­
                                                  Hashish           house. (Intermediate distance
                         531-00 20-00 2,213 El-‘Ala (el-               Siding ; stone station build­
                                                  ‘Ula)             ing of two stories ; water-
                                                                     tower, and blockhouse on W.
                                                                    side of line, at place called
                                                                     Manshlyah, 3 km. S. of El-‘Ala
                                                                     village. The station well is

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