Page 274 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 274

             !      %                                                        S
             i                                       WESTERN ROUTs.
            ')              miles.
             i           total, atagos.
                                                valley ; troops of ostriches occasionally sighted.
             !                                  Track along the wadi, arid in parts, often gravelly
                                                and frequently winding awkwardly among small
             !                                  sand-hills.
                                          Dir E. for a short distance.
                                              9 m. Meiseri, wells to W.
             !                            Dir. bearing round to SE.
            .. <                               5 m. Nabdq ; wells sunk in sandstone and con­
             !                                        taining good water at 11 ft.
             i                                12 m. Hellqim, wells, about 3 m. away, to ESE.
                                              14 m. Jeraiui, wells, surrounded by shrubs and
             i                                        bushes.
             «                                 3 m. ‘Arfajah, 10 wells, about 500 yards to r. of
                                                      track ; 5 more at Mashash 'Arfajah, about
                                                      one hour to E.
                           270  46 Sheghdr (Serar), four wells; six at Meiqiim and twenty
                                                at Sebeikhah, some distance S.; water at all
                                                these all the year round.
                                           Dir. ESE.
                                              14 m. Jervmez. Jebd Sebeikhah lies about 3 m. due
                                                      S.; monolithic hill of Jedwah passed to 1.,
                                                      about 16 m. on.
                                              22 m. Sha‘ib Humana crossed ; route now runs for
                                                      several miles parallel to Jebel Adhara* range
                                                      lying about 5 m. to N.
                                               8 m. Adhara\ camp ; no water along remaining
                                                      20 m. to Jauf.
                                           Dir. E. for about 9 m., then bearing gradually E.
           , i                                   byN. Abu Qa-sr, small settlement at head of the
           :  ;                                  Jauf depression.
                           334 64 JAUF EL-‘AMR, town; see I, p. 3S7 f.

           &?• j
                            The following is an alternative description of the route from
                          Akaba to Ma'an, based on Jaussen’s report:
              !              miles.
                          total, stages.
                                        Akaba, village.
                                           Dir. N. across the plain.
                                              44 m. Ascend 17ddi Yitm, here about 150 yds
                                                       wide ; flooded in winter.

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