Page 278 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 278


                         142                        WESTERN ROUTES

                        total, stages.
                                            3 m. Wadi Mekaffa ; a strong spring 1 hr. E. of
                                                     the roach
                                            !) m. Wadi, Semiiah.
                           74.V 21     MA‘AN, station on the Hcjaz Railwa}'.

                                                         ROUTE 19
                                                 AKABA—MA'AN—TEEN LA
                         Authority: Akaba-Ma'fm, see Route No. 18. Ma'iin-Tcima, Indian Govt. Road
                             Rook, from native information ; supplemented by a few details from the
                             Gazetteer of Arabia.
                         Direction : NE. to Ma’iin ; then generally SE.
                         Distance : Crow-fly, 270 miles ; road, 3S7 miles.
                         Character and Supplies : seo p. 44 f.

                         total, stages.
                                       Akaba village and fort; see I, p. Ill f.
                                          Eor the stages to Ma‘an, see above, Route No. IS,
                                               pp. 136 fi.
                          734 734 MA‘AN, station on the Hejaz Railway; see above, p. 121,
                                               and Route No. 18, p. 138.
                                          Dir. SE., across vast limestone plain covered with
                                                black flint and intersected by water-courses which
                                               are dry except after rain ; about o days to next
                                               stage ; good going.
                         198 1244 Hau-sa, 1 well, situated in a wadi, excellent water at
                                               depth of 40 ft., but apt to run dry after much use.
                                          Dir. SSE., through hilly country for 1 day ; across
                                               eastern spur of Jebel Itbeik, at elevation of about
                                                3,000 ft. ; track then winds among sand-dunes
                                               and sandstone rocks.
                         243 45        Jlutjhairah, several well-pits, with good water near sur­
                                                face, but of reddish colour ; route continues
                                                among disintegrated sandstone hills and here and
                                                there flat-topped mountains, black at summit and
                                               red at sides ; generally good going.
                         287 44        Fajar, a well containing good water, situated in valley of
                                               same name, in midst of vast stretch of barren
                                                desert; country round about somewhat broken
                                                with sandstone outcrops; on this account the
                                                well is difficult to locate, and it is dangerous to

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