Page 280 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 280
total, stages.
approach owing to frequent raiding parties ; going
continues good, but becomes more and more
barren, with scarcely any feed for camels.
62 m Wadi Nayyal ; route now climbs escarp
ment about 5,300 ft. above plain.
382 95 TEIMA, town and oasis ; pop. 1,500-2,000 ; alt. 3,400 ft.;
see I, p. 118 f.
Authorities : Doughty, 1877 ; Huber, 1SS0 ; Huber and Euting, 1SS4 ; and Miss
Bell, 1914.
Direction : E. by N. to Teima ; thence generally E.
Distance : Crow-fly, 2.70 miles ; road, 2S5 to 320 miles, according to route followed
from Teima.
Character and, Supplies-, seo p. 44.
total, stages.
Qal'at el-Mucadhdham, station on the Hcjaz Railway,
alt. 3,1S5 ft. ; see above, p. 132.
Dir., E. by S., across stony desert broken by a few
v^ater-courses and occasional hills.
17 17 Jal Umm Artak (Ortah) passed near its N. end.
7 m. Route skirts southern slopes of Jebel- Fancah
and a neighbouring group of peaks called
Farct wi. Near here are the defile and rock of
-• \ Hasdt el-Qanls, well-known landmarks.
38 21 Wadi Jereidah crossed, iii extremely arid and stony
desert region.
6 m. Khabrat er-Ruwalah.
54 16 TEIMA, town and oasis; see I, p. 11S f.
Dir. SE., crossing Jebel Chaneim.
76 22 Pool of water (khabrah).
Continue SE. for 16 m. ; dir. then changes to SE. by
E. The nefCtd is visible to the N. during the
middle portion of this stage.
U3 37 Valley of Laqat; vegetation and bad water.
General dir. slightly N. of E.
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