Page 284 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 284
total. KtagcH.
a rather shorter route from Ha’il to the mouth
of Ri‘ cs-Self, passing about 2 m. to the NW. of
Dir. N. by E., the track gradually ascending across
an extremely barren plain below the eastern
slopes of Jebel JAja.
28S 10 HA’IL, tom ; see I, pp. 384 ff.
•-* ^ [The above route is in the main that followed in
the reverse direction by Huber and Euting (1884).'
It should be noted that, for purposes of adjust
ment, Huber’s distances have been slightly in
creased in the first section, from Qal'at el-
Mu'adhdham to Teima ; his record, based on
* detailed observation, has been preferred through
out to that of Euting.]
The following Alternative Route from Teima to Ha’il was followed
in the reverse direction by Huber (1S80) ; Huber’s distances have
been practically retained, though in some of the long desert stages,
where water is carried and camping-places are optional, some
reduction is probable :
total, stages.
54 TEIMA ; see main route, p. 143.
Dir. at first SE., past northern end of Jebel Ghaneim ;
in stony desert N. of Jebel Burd dir. changes
to ESE.
97 43 Rocks of Khulah (Kholah) ; a little vegetation.
Dir. NE. for 5 m. ; dir. then changes to ESE.
34 m. Nefud is entered, and track turns NNE. for
145 48 Qulbdn, 3 wells ; water at 60 ft., drinkable.
Dir. S. by E. for 6 m. ; track then turns sharply
E. by S., and, after leaving the nefud, keeps to
the N. of Jebel Trnan. After passing the latter,
dir. changes to SE. by E. to base of Jebel Misma.
195 50 Jebel ifImna, which is crossed, going NE., near its
northern end.
Dir. then changes to ENE.
227 32 Mereid, wells ; bad water at 45 ft. Continue ENE.
: ■ . %*