Page 316 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 316
total, stages.
435 38 Rass, town ; see I, p. 373.
444 9 Khabrah, town ; see I, p. 373.
Dir. NE. Track at first follows Wadi Rumrnah,
which is afterwards left.
401 17 Shahlblyah, small village, with ten qa.srs, in corn
growing district ; water good and abundant ;
no palms nor other trees.
Dir. NE. After 7 m., cross Wadi Rumrnah.
479 IS BOREEDAH, town ; see I, pp. 370 ff.
B. Mecca to Aneizah (Doughty .-otd Huber)
MECCA, town ; see I, pp. 123 ff.
[For the section from Mecca to ‘Asheirah (9S m.)
see above, Route A, p. 15S.]
9S 98 ‘Asheirah.
Dir. E. by N. across a gravelly plain.
32 m. Route passes between two mounds, known as
33 m. Pass W. of Radhwdn ridge ; thence over
saline plain, E. of lava bed (harrcih).
207 109 Muiueih Halcrdn, many wells with water at 12 ft. Cross
arid desert, R-uqbah ; average elevation 4,200 ft.
Dir. NE.
224 17 Hazeim es-Seicl, a grove of acacias ; poor water in
cattle-pits ; according to Huber, 100 wells with
water at 1 metre.
Dir. NE.
255 31 Qulbdn Ibn Hadddf, 4 wells with good water at 90 ft.
. Dir. NE., over saline plain, passing E. of Jebel Khdl
(a conical hill said to be half-way between Mecca
and Aneizah) to Muxcdfrid Shurmah (alt. 4,040 ft.),
. shallow wells with bad water. Track thence
crosses the ‘ Daika ’, an open plain.
305 50 Sijah, 3 wells ; poor water, difficult to draw, at 50 ft.
Dir. NE. The track crosses Wadi Shabram.
12 m. Pass W. of Jebel ‘Adiilah.
327 22 ‘Afif, well (alt. 4,615 ft.), masonry lined ; fair water at
60 ft., said to be enough for 2,500 people ; some
Dir. NE., passing considerably W. of Jebel Nlr over
open country dotted with acacias.