Page 456 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 456
ROUTE 49 :
(Tarlq es-Sultani or Sikkat el-
Authority : Native information.
General Direction : N. and then W
Distance.: Crow-fly, 72 miles ; road, 1(
Character and Supplies : see p. 54 f.
total, stages.
MUHA’IL, town; see I, p. 142 f.
Dir. NW. over level cultivate
Musa territory.
7 m. Turqzish, small ston
enters A1 ed-Dureib.
4i m. Musabbah, small vill
el-HelawIyah to Qu
(see below, Route No
Dir. due N.
m. Cross Wadi Baqr (Bi
tween A1 ed-Dureib
Baqr always contains
The rich district ot
containing more than
lent cultivation. -
road enters Humeidal
farther on reaches ^
Suq el-A‘jamah, a large T^kish
26 26
former ‘ ' °Upt (held c
important m“k Boacl sW
watered country village.
9 m. Hasam J ‘ vV., a£l
almost due tee
to descend Sl,h*
of :Aqflba\,i with
country tl
follow^ cl